Tay Young Soon
Year 2, Physics
After one semester to work as a Rotaract member, I found that it is a really meaningful event for us to put effort in. Although this event needs to do a lot of preparation beforehand, I really enjoy in doing so. Whenever the patient said thank you to me, I will feel that I have done something wonderful in my life. The only pity thing is that the area that we use to conduct the event is too small and so we face many restrictions when the number of patient is huge compare to our number. Overall, I hope that this event can carry on and have an improvement in next semester.
Tang Chyi Yueh
Year 3, Social Work
The project brought me a new perspective about working with elderly. Glad that we were able to make some contributions to SLH and bring some activities into their stay at SLH.
It is important to consider every patient’s perspective and take into consideration activities that not only engage them mentally, but also physically. It is encouraging to know that we are receiving so much support from the subcommittee members and the social workers from SLH. We are still exploring the most effective way to engage the patients. Despite the efforts put in, it is encouraging enough to hear a word of thank you from the patients.
Kyaw San Wai
Year 2, Life Science
The Rotaract community service project with St Luke’s Hospital, from my perspective, managed to serve its means quite effectively, due to the nature of the location and also the dedication of the volunteers. We were interacting with patients in an already organized environment (hospital), and had received help and support from the hospital staff, especially from Ms Tham. It was a new project for both NUS Rotaract Club and the hospital, but, we were able to coordinate our sessions smoothly, and the hospital was very positive of the programme.
Many of the patients were not as enthusiastic as I had hoped, but once we were able to break the ice, many of them were friendly and they really enjoyed our games and the sessions as a whole.
Some of the long term patients did return to the follow-up sessions later in the course of the semester, but, the majority of the patients we interacted with changed each time.
Throughout the course of our sessions, we tried out a wide variety of games, from focusing the entire patient body into one single game, to different games among small groups in varying environments (small groups near each other, and small groups apart from each other). From my observation, I found that both techniques yielded positive and negative results.
In huge group activities, the patients appeared to enjoy the overall interaction session, but did not feel too comfortable with the students. I think that, since they had to wait for other patients (who maybe more disabled), they were comparatively bored. Games which we tried out for the large group activities were snake and ladders, bingo and flashcards.
In the small group sessions, the patients appeared to grow closer to the Rotaractors, and showed a slightly higher level of interest in the games. In small groups, the nature of the games was more physically demanding – thus, they showed more excitement and interest. For the small group activities, we tried out a huge array of board games – ants in pants (trying to flip plastic ants into a pants-like container), Chinese chess, tabletop soccer, collecting coloured balls from a bowl (there is a vibrating crab to disturb the balls), and even chess with some enthusiastic patients.
We gave some memorabilia / presents to the patients to make them more interested in the games and to put in effort and we found that this was really effective, plus a token of our brief interaction. The gifts were of small, if not no monetary worth, but most are hand-made by the Rotaractors, and this attaches tremendous value, which strengthens the bridge between the patient and Rotaractor.
In retrospect, I must say that overall, the whole St. Luke Hospital Visit is rewarding and enlightening for both the patients and the Rotaractors, as we get a closer touch with life and humanity. I would suggest more interaction trips, since we had only a total of four visits to the hospital (given the schedule of the students), and also a higher number of Rotaractors allocated, since, it was evident in our last session, that we were able to achieve more with a very low Rotaractor to Patient ratio. I appreciate being able to serve the community through very useful projects under the Rotaract Club.
Lysia Tilie Hartadi
Year 3, Chemical Engineering
In my opinion, St Luke’s Hospital Project is a good experience that changes my view of how a life in a community hospital feels like and it also allows me to gain more insights into the situation of those people who are less fortunate than me. It is my privilege to be able to bring smiles on the patients’ faces as we play games with them. I believe that the objectives that we set out can only be accomplished by how much effort we put in. I love seeing all the volunteers work so hard during the preparation of each session and at the same time able to enjoy themselves while interacting with the patients. I am also very grateful to have met some new friends through this project. I really hope that the volunteers will continue to work hard and serve the patients better.
Ng Huey Wen
Year 2, Chemistry
I have been longing for being a volunteer, to contribute at least some effort to the society. So, I chose Rotaract and being arranged into this new project. Actually, to me, it doesn’t really matter which project I am in, as long as I am able to take part in it. As this is a new project, we have to put in more effort, think some new ideas, and get some feedback through each visit, so that we could improve ourselves as well as the running of activities
Personally, I prefer individual games. To me, interaction with the patients is more important, we should try not to neglect every single patient. It is relatively harder for us to take care of every patient, talking with them, let them have a chance to speak out their mind or whatever during a big group activity.
I gained a lot through this St Luke’s project. Somehow I feel, what the patients ‘gave’ us is actually much more that what we have done for them. I really enjoyed myself. This is simply a great experience. I do learn a lot from this project. In short, I m looking forward to the next visit!
Tan Chea Ying
Year 2, Business
Only two times have I committed my service to St. Luke Hospital. However, I have had a very good impression towards St. Luke Hospital because all the staff is nice and kind. I feel even more gratified when I saw the patients were happy to come down and have some funs with us, they would not feel awkward but instead they enjoyed in it. Although they were sick, they still have a cheerful mindset. Just a simply “Thank you” from them, had made all of us very happy and all we have done was granting which we do not even expect for the grant.
Every session we have had was generally well-prepared. However, the games always finished very early and sometimes I could sense the boredom which the patients have. It is unavoidable that some patients are “well-spirits” and they found the games we prepared for them were childish and said “Why let us play children’s games?” Thus, we as a volunteer have to motivate them and makes the games looked fun and challenging. This is what we should do as to make the patients happy is our initial aim.
On the other hand, sometimes I feel we were out of choices for games. Patients might feel tired for those games after playing so many rounds and those healthier patients might get even more boring. I greatly feel that we can try to do something more other than simply playing games. We can sing together while teaching them body language for that song, it can help them to exercise also. Alternatively, we can always sing a few songs before starting our games so that they are warmed up. I think language is not the problem as if we teach them body language and singing together shows the most effectiveness on letting them have the togetherness.
Some patients (especially female) simply want to find someone to chit-chat. If then, we can find volunteer who speaks the patient’s mother tongue and just simply chit-chat with him/her rather than play games if the patients feel tired of the games.
Besides that, we as a volunteer should take the initiative to talk more to the patients instead of letting them sit there quietly. We really need to show our passion to them and also our sincerity.
Playing the games together is really better than spreading it out to other places, the togetherness is very important to patients and they might feel the environment lively. And the length of the time of the section is appropriate, we did make full use of the time to play with patients and try our best to make them happy.
Last but not least, I really hope patients are happy to be with us. Our happiness is greatly built on their happiness. Thus, we will surely try our best to make every section the most impressive and fun!
Wong Jin Huei
Year 2,
Overall, I have had a happy moment when playing with the patients in St. Luke’s Hospital. Most of the patients there show their energetic participation, this is however quite different from my prior perception that most of the patients might not be so energetic due to their condition. Some of them are very talkative; they share a lot of their experiences with me. For example, in the last session, an uncle told me that he had taught NUS student in music before. Due to one of his hand is hurt, he cannot play musical instruments like guitar. So, he really hopes that he can play guitar again. Some of the patients even make new friends during the session.
In my opinion, if the number of patients is too much compare to the amount of volunteers, the interaction between patients and volunteer will become lesser. This will reduce the ambient mood when playing games and therefore makes the whole session become very boring. Some of the patients also cannot get the instruction of the game rule probably due to lack of volunteers.
I think the biggest challenge for me is the language barrier. A lot of old folks speak Hokkien, which I do not understand and therefore makes it quite difficult to interact with them.
Tai Jia Xing
Year 2, Applied Chemistry
其实自己之前对“做义工”有一点恐惧感,因为在高二那年,到了一间老人院,而当中有一些失智老人,也有暴力倾向的老人,由于担心他们走失或攻击人,他们被困锁在由厕所改造的”牢房“里。那时,这样的景象,让我的心萌起了强烈的恐惧感,我也以为从今我再也不敢做义工了。今年,机缘巧合下,我有幸参与St Luke’s Hospital 的计划,而我也很享受和大家一起筹备,一起到医院和疗养的病人们一起游戏的过程。渐渐的,我喜欢上了这样的活动,也觉得自己的生命,不再只为自己的生命,也一点点地富足起来,也和一群很好的朋友,建立了愉快的友谊。所以,对于自己能参加这样的活动,我始终是很感恩的。希望,明年我们能继续地把欢乐带给大家,也带给我们自己。
Wee Kin Guan
Year 2, Physics
于St. Luke 医院社区服务有感
今年是我在大学的第二个年头。记得那时候,曾问过自己能够做些什么。大学所孕育培养出来的,绝对不能够是只会埋头读书的人。于是,我与Rotaract 结缘了。
那时候加入Rotaract,其中的原因除了想多了解这个团体外,也因为许多朋友都一起参加。不甘寂寞的我,也多了一个加入Rotaract 这个大家庭的动力。
Rotaract 有许多的社区服务计划,而我参加的是到圣路加医院进行服务。圣路加医院坐落在武吉巴督,是一座让患病的老人家养病、复员的医院。由于这个计划是今年才开始实行,医院方面也与我们通力合作,希望把这个第一次的服务做得尽善尽美。
Chong Mei Sze
Year 2, Life Science
Chan Chong Sheng
Year 2, Computing
能够和老人家相处的机会并不是很多,很感谢 Rotaract 给于我这次难得的机会,和老人家有更深的接触、并更深地了解到他们的需要。
但是,自从参与了 Rotaract 之后,我终于看清原来老人家也可以象朋友般经得起玩闹的。和他们相处的时间虽然不是很长,但也或多或少认知了他们的需要。他们的要求并不多,只希望有人能够听听他们心中的话、听他们唠叨、听他们诉苦、或单纯地想要消磨一个沉闷的星期六上午。看他们玩得开心,我自己也满足了起来。
Kee Chun Yun
Year 2, Engineering Science
Tan Wei Shin
Year 2, Life Science
基本上,community service 也不算是首次,去年都有去IMH办活动。。所以,不会说不适应或是陌生什么的。当然,比较是无法避免的。St luke’s 相对而言,是比较靠近,至少不用一个小时的travel time.唔。。但是,可以办的活动相对来说,却是没多少,大概是地点就在医院里面吧。同时,病人们散布各年龄阶层,有时候,有些想法觉得应该行得通,但是反思后又觉得,对某一些年龄层的病人来说可能会太闷,太无聊à增加想活动时的烦恼。再来,就是能够使用的空间有限。在有限的空间和有限的器材下,活动想必没什么变化。而且,最重要的是,可以用的游戏实在是不多,不是说没有,只是大部分都是不适合被用而已。试想想吧,你能够跟上了年纪或手脚不灵活的病人们玩小小的棋盘吗?也许,可能的话,尽量去增加游戏的种类吧。。
Tay Chun Fang
Year 2, Life Science
应该说是… 不知所措吧!
原来… 快乐可以很简单,很平凡。
谢谢 Ms Tham一路以来的帮助,还有那美味可口的巧克力蛋糕;谢谢所有、所有的人。